Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection that can cause substantial liver damage.
It is transmitted through an infected person’s faeces—when someone with Hepatitis A fails to properly wash their hands after using the bathroom, the faeces can be transferred to objects that are then handled by others. Those that come into contact with these objects unintentionally swallow the virus and get afflicted.
What are the Hepatitis A symptoms?
Some persons with Hepatitis A have modest symptoms, while others may have a more serious reaction to the infection. Symptoms can persist anywhere from a few weeks to months. It’s recommended to see a Gastroenterologist be examined if you’re having any of these symptoms.
Nausea and vomiting occur suddenly.
Pain or discomfort in the abdomen, particularly in the upper right quadrant
beneath your lower ribs on one side (by your liver)
Bowel motions that are clay-coloured
Appetite loss.
Fever of a low intensity
Urine that is dark in colour
Joint discomfort
Your skin and the whites of your eyes are turning yellow (jaundice)
How to Avoid Getting Infected Wash your hands after using the restroom and after being out and about to maintain healthy hygiene. All fresh vegetables should be well peeled and washed, and raw or undercooked meats and seafood should be avoided.
Please check our blog frequently for more information on health-related topics and gastroenterology.
Liver is vital organ of human body that plays important role in digesting food, cleaning blood, maintaining metabolism and blood sugar levels. Therefore we must take care of it and should not overstress our liver. Here are 5 important tips to keep your liver healthy.
Follow a Liver-Friendly Diet:
To keep your liver healthy include following in your daily diet:
Beetroots & Carrots: For preventing carcinogens injuries. Lemons: For protecting the liver from toxication. For best benefits drink warm lemon water regularly in the morning. Apples and Leafy Vegetables: Apples are your livers best friend. They help protect you against fatty liver issues. Spinach, collard greens, Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also great for a healthy liver.
Exercise Regularly:
Regular exercise is key to keep your liver healthy and active. Do morning walks and evening strolls daily.
Limit your Alcohol and Caffeine Intake:
Excess alcohol damages your liver badly. Hence it would be better if you can avoid it completely or take it to a moderate level. A small amount of coffee helps to keep your liver healthy. But don’t take it with much sugar or cream. Today studies suggest coffee addiction as a key cause of many liver complications.
Quit Smoking for Good:
Smoking damages your liver beyond repairs. It can cause lung or pancreatic cancer too. Therefore stop smoking completely for a healthy life.
Drink A Lot of Water:
Keep your body hydrated to prevent toxin attacks on your liver. Also, dehydration can make our blood thicker which will be difficult for the liver to clean and detox.
In addition to the above, there are a number of other things that you must be equally careful about like liver diseases like hepatitis B or C. Keep a check on your stress levels as well as staying away from false advertising and claims about medications and herbs.
A healthy liver makes a healthy body but if there are symptoms like yellowish eyes/skin, fatigue, appetite loss, Itchy skin, swelling it is time to visit the best gastroenterologist near you.
As the diabetes causes due to damage of pancreas, there is a connection between diabetes and the pancreas. But you may wonder how the liver fits into this equation? Here is the answer to your question.
Diabetes increases the risk of kidney disease, nerve damage, blood vessel damage, infections, blindness and heart disease, but you may not realize diabetes can have profound effects on the liver as well.
It has been observed that, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects up to one-third of the entire adult population in industrialized countries. Person with type-2 diabetes is at more risk of having NAFLD. NAFLD is a broad term that includes several subtypes of liver diseases and clinically distinct conditions, like fatty liver and more serious steatohepatitis (NASH), with or without fibrosis (scarring), that can progress to liver cirrhosis and, in a few cases, to liver cancer. A liver biopsy may be recommended by liver specialists when blood tests for liver function are repeatedly and chronically elevated (e.g., for 6 months) and all other evaluations for the cause of the elevations are inconclusive.
Dr. Harshal Ghadikar 16th April FM Intervies
So What Is All The Fuss About?
With the increasing heart disease in those with diabetes patients, the liver problems are also increasing. And it is almost twice as high as having cardiovascular disease! Patients with diabetes have an increased incidence of severe fibrosis (thickening and scarring of connective tissue). Study also shows that, cirrhosis accounted for 12.5 percent of deaths in patients with diabetes. Cryptogenic cirrhosis in those with diabetes is also caused by NAFLD and is now the 3rd leading reason for liver transplantation.
A patient’s prognosis worsens with each stage of liver disease. But, not everyone’s liver disease progresses. Liver biopsy is used to determine the liver disease progression.
What Is Known About Possible Treatments?
Many studies say that the weight loss decreases liver fat and hence most recommended treatment. Low-glycemic, low-calorie diets with a weight loss of 2.2 – 4.4 pounds (1 to 2 kilograms) per week has been recommended. Low-fat diets should be avoided. Some experts suggest a Mediterranean diet (defined as high in complex carbohydrates or starches, high in monounsaturated fats – i.e., oils, moderate amounts of wine, and low amounts of red meat) is preferred in individuals with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. Also alcohol consumption should be strongly avoided not only because of its toxic effects on the liver, but also because of its high calorie content. Daily exercise improves insulin action for everyone. Some medications are also used for the treatment of diabetes can also be beneficial for the liver.
Take-Home Message:
You’re now armed with the knowledge necessary to help take care of your liver and prevent diabetes related complications from affecting this vital organ. So, take a steps towards healthy life and lose weight, improve your diet, limit or avoid alcohol consumption and follow your doctor’s recommendations for controlling other conditions as well.
If you are diabetes patient and worried about risk of liver disease contact immediately to Gadhikar Clinic. Dr. Harshal Gadhikar is experienced liver specialist, gastroenterologist at Gadhikar Clinic. He has treated many patients with complex liver diseases.
Here are some useful tips for Optimal Liver Health
1.Maintain a healthy weight : It is observed that, obese people are at more risk of fatty liver that can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which one of the fastest growing liver disease these days. Therefore always maintain healthy weight. Weight loss programs can help to reduce liver fat.
Dr. Harshal Gadhikar interview about tips for liver health
2. Eat a balanced diet : For healthy liver try to avoid high calorie-meals, saturated fat, refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, white rice and regular pasta) and sugars. Also don’t eat raw or undercooked shellfish. For a well-balanced diet, eat fiber, which you will easily get in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals. Also eat meat(but limit the amount of red meat), dairy products(low-fat milk and small amounts of cheese) andfats (like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and fish). Also drink adequate water.
3. Exercise regularly: Exercise is very important for healthy life: Daily exercising helps to burn triglycerides for fuel and can also reduce liver fat.
4. Avoid toxins: Direct contact with toxins can injure liver cells. Therefore, avoid contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products, insecticides, chemicals, and additives. When you do use aerosols, make sure the room is ventilated, and wear a mask. Don’t smoke.
5. Avoid over intake of alcoholic beverages : Alcoholic beverages can spoil your health. They may harm liver cells and scar your liver. Consult a gastroenterology doctor about what amount of alcohol is right for you. He can give advice to drink alcohol only in moderation or to quit completely depending on severity of disease.
6. Avoid the use of illicit drugs: Illicit drugs like marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants are very injurious to health. Person should always avoid consumption this type of drugs. Also avoid prescription-type psychotherapeutics (pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives) used non-medically.
7. Avoid contact with contaminated needles: Of course, dirty needles aren’t only associated with intravenous drug use. You must consult medical practitioner and seek testing for skin penetration involving sharp instruments or needles. Use only clean needles for tattoos making and body piercings.
8. Be careful while you exposed to blood: If due to some reason you come into contact with someone else’s blood, immediately contact your doctor.
9. Don’t share personal hygiene items : Don’t share razors, toothbrushes and nail cutters as they can carry microscopic levels of blood or other body fluids that may be contaminated.
10. Practice safe sex.If person do unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners, he is at risk of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Therefore, always be careful while doing sex.
11. Wash your hands.Use soap and warm water immediately after using the bathroom, when you have changed a diaper, and before preparing or eating food.
12. Follow directions on all medications: Wrong medication can harm your liver. Never take alcohol with drugs and medications. Also tell your doctor about any other medicines, supplements, and natural or herbal remedies that you are using.
13. Get vaccinated: Vaccination is best way to reduce your risk of liver diseases. There are vaccines available for hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus. But, there’s no vaccine available against the hepatitis C virus.